At Stonemill Atlanta, we believe that every member is a minister and it is every Christian’sresponsibility to do the work of the ministry.
work to be accomplished on a much larger scale than if it were the sole responsibility of the pastors
Connection Team
The Connection Team is responsible for creating a warm, informative, and hospitable atmosphere for the Sunday morning services at Stonemill Church Atlanta.
Positions available within this ministry
Ushers, greeters, parking lot attendants, coffee prep,
Patricia Ruiz (DrCompTox@gmail.com)
Events Team
The Team is responsible for planning, promoting and facilitating opportunities designed to enhance the fellowship of Stonemill Church Atlanta.
Positions available within this ministry
Activities team leader, activities coordinators, servers, cooks
Prayer Team
This Team is responsible for seeing that the ministry of Stonemill Church Atlanta is supported by prayer.
Positions within this ministry
Corporate prayer, pastors’ prayer partners, Watchman Prayer Ministry
John Fry – info@StonemillAtlanta.org
Office Admin Team
Assist the staff administrators in running an efficient and effective office. Volunteer helpers are occasionally called upon to help with various
Audio / Visual Team
The Audio/Visual (A/V) Ministry Team is responsible for all of the technical aspects of ministry at Stonemill Church Atlanta. This includes Sunday morning worship services as well as audio/visual needs for children, youth and adult ministries.
Positions within this ministry
Sound technicians, lighting operators, camera operators, Photographers
Luis Lozada
StonemillKIDS Ministry Team
Stonemill Kids Ministry Team is responsible for Sunday morning children’s ministry as well as monthly activities.
Patricia Ruiz
Street Signs Team
The Parking and Signs team is charged with setting up the street signs around our building as well as ensure visitors receive guidance to our facilities
Patricia Ruiz